What is Habsburg AI?

"Habsburg AI" is a heads-up to keep AI training diverse and grounded in human touch

What is Habsburg AI?

"Habsburg AI," is a term coined by Jathan Sadowski, AI researcher and podcaster. He's not talking about royal drama but something just as intriguing in the AI world. Similar to the dead internet theory.

Imagine AI systems made entirely of other AI information. Yep, that's "Habsburg AI" for you—it’s like digital inbreeding!

Here’s the scoop:

  • "Habsburg AI" refers to AI models trained mostly on data spit out by their digital cousins rather than fresh, human-made data.
  • This insular training can make AI models into "inbred mutants," sporting some pretty wild and wonky errors. It's kind of like how too much royal intermarrying led to, well, less-than-ideal royal family traits.
  • As AI starts regurgitating AI-generated content, these models risk turning bland, repetitive, and as exciting as stale toast. They lose the rich flavors of human creativity.
  • It’s a warning: if AI keeps looping on itself, we might end up with a digital gene pool that needs a serious refresh.

In short, "Habsburg AI" is a heads-up to keep AI training diverse and grounded in human touch—before it turns into a royal mess!