Wayve Secures $1.05 Billion in Series C Funding to Advance AI in Autonomous Vehicles

Wayve is at the forefront of developing Embodied AI technology for automated driving.

Company Name: Wayve
Location: London, UK
Sector: Automotive, Artificial Intelligence

Funding Details:
Wayve, a pioneer in integrating advanced AI into vehicles and robots, has raised an impressive $1.05 billion in Series C funding. SoftBank Group led This investment round, with significant participation from new investor NVIDIA and existing investor Microsoft.

Purpose of the Investment:
The funds will be used to develop further and launch Wayve’s innovative Embodied AI products for production vehicles, marking a significant step forward in commercializing autonomous driving technologies.

The company, founded in 2017, is led by CEO Alex Kendall.

Product Overview:
Wayve is at the forefront of developing Embodied AI technology for automated driving. Their advanced AI software and foundational models are designed to enable vehicles to perceive, understand, and navigate any environment autonomously. This technology enhances the usability and safety of autonomous driving systems and aims to produce mapless and hardware-agnostic AI products that automakers and fleet owners can integrate.