Series AI Raises $7.9M in Seed Funding: Pioneering a Swift Revolution in Game Development with AI

Series AI is designed to effectively counteract the constraints and lethargy intrinsic to conventional game development paradigms

Series AI Raises $7.9M in Seed Funding: Pioneering a Swift Revolution in Game Development with AI
Source: Series AI

Funding led by: A16Z Games

Participation from: Bitkraft, F4 Fund, and the Siqi Chen Access Fund.

Total Funding Amount: $7.9M

Funds Use: Expansion of operations and bolstering developmental efforts.


Series AI is championing a transformative movement in the gaming tech and content realm. Under the CEO Pany Haritatos, the company unveils a comprehensive suite of AI-driven game authoring tools, meticulously crafted to supercharge the game creation journey.

By bringing generative AI models with a state-of-the-art game editor, Series AI is shaping a revolutionary tech platform. This platform is designed to effectively counteract the constraints and lethargy intrinsic to conventional game development paradigms. In essence, it drastically narrows the temporal gap between conceptualizing an idea and witnessing its tangible realization.