Nabla Raises $24M in Series B Funding to Advance Ambient AI Technology in Healthcare with Nabla Copilot.

Nabla, specializes in developing ambient AI technology for healthcare practitioners.

Nabla Raises $24M in Series B Funding to Advance Ambient AI Technology in Healthcare with Nabla Copilot.
Source: Nabla

Company Name: Nabla
Location: Boston, MA
Sector: Ambient AI for Healthcare Practitioners
Funding Details: Raised $24M in Series B funding, bringing the total to $43M. Led by Cathay Innovation, with participation from Zebox Ventures.
Purpose of Investment: To enhance capabilities and adoption of Nabla Copilot.

Leadership: CEO Alex Lebrun
Product: Nabla Copilot, an ambient AI assistant for healthcare practitioners

About Company: Nabla, specializes in developing ambient AI technology for healthcare practitioners. Nabla Copilot is designed to generate clinical notes quickly across all specialties, easing practitioners' workload and improving patient care. The company, founded in 2018, has developed its technology using proprietary Large Language Models (LLM) and Speech-to-Text (STT) technologies, crafted by former Facebook AI Research engineers.

Key Features:

  • Fast generation of clinical notes from any encounter.
  • AI-enabled medical coding identification.
  • Seamless integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR).
  • Mobile, desktop, and API availability.
  • Strict compliance with confidentiality and privacy regulations.

Growth and Adoption:

  • Launched in March 2023, Nabla Copilot has rapidly grown with over 20,000 providers already using the solution.

Advisors: Includes AI and medical experts like Yann LeCun, Dr. Megan Mahoney, Dr. Haipeng Zhang, and Dr. Andrew Lundquist.