Full Venue Raises €2M in Seed Funding to Advance AI Solutions in the Sports and Events Industry.

Full Venue is a technology company that utilizes AI to innovate in the sports and events industry.

Full Venue Raises €2M in Seed Funding to Advance AI Solutions in the Sports and Events Industry.
Source: Full Venue

Company Name: Full Venue
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Sector: AI for Sports and Events Industry
Funding Details: Raised €2M in Seed funding, led by GED Ventures with participation from business angels José Pinto, Pedro Aguiar, Tiago Monteiro, Bernardo Novo, and Fernando Reani.
Purpose of Investment: To expand operations and increase business reach.

Leadership: CEO Tiago Costa Rocha and COO Marcos Castro
Product: An AI-based platform designed to transform how companies monetize their audiences, emphasizing simplicity and integration with marketing channels.

About Company: Full Venue is a technology company that utilizes AI to innovate in the sports and events industry. The company focuses on enhancing audience monetization for its clients, backed by strategic partnerships with entities like Hype Sports Innovation, EIT Digital, Startup Bootcamp, and APEX.

Global Reach: Currently operating in seven markets, including Portugal, Spain, the UK, Finland, Belgium, Romania, and Chile.