Duckbill Raises $33M in Seed and Series A Funding to Bring AI-Powered Personal Assistance to the Masses

Duckbill leverages a blend of generative AI and human experts, designed to act as a personal assistant for everyday tasks.

Duckbill Raises $33M in Seed and Series A Funding to Bring AI-Powered Personal Assistance to the Masses
Source: duckbill

Company Name: Duckbill
Location: Boston, MA
Business Focus: Execution engine leveraging a blend of generative AI and human experts, designed to act as a personal assistant for everyday tasks.
Funding Details: Duckbill secured a notable $33m across its seed and Series A funding rounds.

Purpose of Funding: Expansion and development efforts

About the Company:
Under the leadership of Meghan Verena Joyce, the company's CEO and founder, Duckbill is poised to redefine the realm of personal assistance. The company's cornerstone is its pioneering execution engine. This engine marries the unparalleled efficiency of generative AI with the nuanced expertise of human professionals.

The aim is to liberate users from the mundanities of "life admin", empowering them to invest time in activities they genuinely cherish.

Duckbill's potential is already evident, with the company having successfully accomplished thousands of tasks for its beta members. And now, with the funding boost, they're all set to unveil their groundbreaking service to the wider public.