Crowda Raised $1M Pre-Seed Funding + Ongoing Crowdfuding

Crowda invites investors to join their investment round and to take Crowda to the next level.

Crowda Raised $1M Pre-Seed Funding + Ongoing Crowdfuding
Source: Crowda

Amount Raised: $1M and on going crowdfunding.  Their goal is to hit $2M.

Funding Use: Enhance AI algorithms, expand its network of real estate developers and investors, and improve the user experience.

About Crowda:

Location: Houston, TX

Leadership: Reza Esmaeili (Founder and CEO)

Product/Service: An AI-driven funding platform for real estate development projects. Uses advanced AI to give developers access to capital and provide investors with data-backed insights to pinpoint high-value opportunities. The technology aids in evaluating, analyzing, and connecting projects with prospective investors.

If you want to participate in their crowdfunding:

Crowda Capital Raise
Join Our Investment Round Crowda is an AI-based, innovative, online crowdfunding platform for the land development industry which connects investors to land developers, aimed at increasing the scal…